VIN N° :117.142
Delivery date: 18/04/1972
First Owner: Mr ADAM
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Black
Options : Radio Autovox
Information: Trade in with Indy 116.180 + 75000 F
The car is today in Germany
VIN N° :117.128
Delivery date: 10/05/1972
First Owner: Mr TORRE
Colour: Yellow / Black
Options : Radio Autovox
Information: Trade in with Mexico 1969 + 83000 F , Heavy crash in 1972, never repaired since, mileage only 3400 Km
VIN N° :117.038
Delivery date: 19/01/1972
First Owner: Mr ENNEQUIN
Colour: Yellow / Black
Options : Set of black leather cases
Information: Sold crash damaged to Mr Pierre CORNET EPINAT
VIN N° :117.012
Delivery date: 16.12.1971
First Owner: Mr ROBERT
Colour: Red / Black
Options : Demonstration car
Informations: 1971 Paris Motorshow car, engine rebuilt in 1974