VIN N° :117.366
Delivery date: 18/11/1972
First Owner: Prince Karim AGA KHAN
Colour: Penombra Saidivin / White
Options : 5000 Engine, 2 special model door mirrors
VIN N° :117.360
Delivery date: 17/04/1973
First Owner: Mr Michel H.ROQUES
Colour: Argento / Senape
Options : Radio Autovox
VIN N° :117.338
Delivery date: 01/04/1972
First Owner: Mr BRISARD
Colour: Celesto / Senape
Options : Radio Autovox
Information: Sold to Mr AUGIER after only 3000 Km, trade in with Ghibli 115/49.2320+ 55000F
VIN N° :117.330
Delivery date: 22/12/1972
First Owner: Mr STOUFF
Colour: Rame Met / Senape
Options : Radio Autovox
Informations:Trade in with Ferrari Daytona (75000 F), Car today exported to Germany