VIN N° : EB106.848
Delivery date: 15/06/1984
First Owner: Mr ZANELLI
Colour: Grigio Anthracite Met
Options :
Information: Trade in with BMW 323 1983 (75000 F)
VIN N° : EB106.824
Delivery date: 16/07/1984
First Owner: Patrick GOULD
Colour: Golden Beryl
Options : Alarme (2500 F)
Information: Mexican Customer
VIN N° : EB.106.819
Delivery date: 24/04/1984
First Owner: Mr DANEL
Colour: Grigio Azzuro Met
Options :
VIN N° : EB.106.788
Delivery date: 29/09/1984
First Owner: Mr Gilbert COLLET
Colour: Dark Golden Beryl
Options :
Informations: Trade in with Ford XR3 1983 (50000 F)