VIN N° : 101/01.625
Delivery date: 24/03/1963
First Owner: Mr GUICHER
Colour: Amaranto / Black
Options :
Information:Trade in with 101.818 30000 F
VIN N° : 101/01.607
Delivery date: 22/02/1963
First Owner: Mr AZAÏS
Colour: Azzuro vincennes / cinghiale
Options :
Information: Trade in with Jaguar E Type 1962 34000 F
VIN N° : 101/01.597
Delivery date: 16/01/1963
First Owner: Mr Jacques DUPUY
Colour: Grigio Fiat /Red
Options :Self locking diff
Information: Special Price 50000 F, + trade in with 15000 F as Maserati Ads in 2 magazines "Moteurs, Action Automobile et Touristique"
VIN N° : 101/01.595
Delivery date: 29/01/1963
First Owner: Mr BRANCHE
Colour: Azzuro / Cinghiale
Options :Self locking diff, wire wheels
Information: Trade in with Jaguar 3,8 L S (27000 F)
The cars
3500 GT SEBRING SERIE 1 = AM 101.01