VIN N° : 101/01.741
Delivery date: 19/06/1963
First Owner: Mr William BROWN
Colour: Amaranto Roma / Black
Options : Self locking diff
Information: Demonstration car, exported to the USA, owner of a 5000 GT, car sent to Modena for complete overhaul.
VIN N° : 101/01.887
Delivery date: 09/01/1964
First Owner: Mr MARCHAIS
Colour: Verde Dora / Cinghiale
Options : Radio
VIN N° : 101/01.829
Delivery date: 21/08/1963
First Owner: Mr René TRAVERS
Colour: Amaranto Roma / Black
Options : Wire wheels/ self locking diff
VIN N° : 101/01.761
Delivery date: 07/11/1963
First Owner: Doctor LAMY
Colour: Amaranto Roma / Natural
Options : Wire wheels
Information: Demonstration car at the factory, special price 47500 F, trade in with Mercedes 300 SL 1960( 17000 F)
The cars
3500 GT SEBRING SERIE 1 = AM 101.01