VIN N° : 101/02.027
Delivery date: 20/01/1964
First Owner: Mr Georges DESCHIENS
Colour: Azzuro Pininfarina / Cinghiale
Options : Wire wheels / head rest passenger seat
VIN N° : 101/01.983
Delivery date: 15/10/1964
First Owner: Mr ROSSET
Colour: Verde Fiat 11.353 / Cinghiale
Options : Wire wheels, self locking diff
VIN N° : 101/02.051
Delivery date: 19/10/1964
First Owner: Mr TERRAZ
Colour: Grigio Graphite / Cinghiale
Options : Wire wheels
Information: Ex: FOUSSIER, trade in with Jaguar MK10 1963 (22000 F)
VIN N° : 101/02.021
Delivery date: 23/12/1963
First Owner: Mr DUBERN
Colour: Amaranto Roma / Black
Options : Wire wheels, self locking diff
Information: Trade in with AM 101.2076 (41200F)
The cars
3500 GT SEBRING SERIE 1 = AM 101.01