VIN N° : 109.A1.1698
Delivery date: 20/09/1968
First Owner: Melle DALLE (L'OREAL Company)
Colour: Grigio New market / Marrone
Options : Radio Becker
Information: 2000 F commission for the Driver Mr Strub
VIN N° : 109.A1.1706
Delivery date: 22/09/1968
First Owner: Mr Dante LANGHI
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Blue
Options : Magnesium Wheels
Information: 1968 Paris Motorshow car
VIN N° : 109.A1.1676
Delivery date: 25/07/1968
First Owner: Mr Max BOUKOBZA
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Blue
Options : Air conditioning / rear seats
VIN N° : 109.A1.1664
Delivery date: 13/07/1968
First Owner: Mr Hubert SEGARD
Colour: Oro longchamps / Black
Options :
Information: To replace A1.1154 crashed by LUCAS in GB, 70000 F invoice paid by LUCAS company.
The cars
MISTRAL = AM 109 = 3700 Engine
AM 109 A1 = 4000 Engine