VIN N° : 116/49.1954
Delivery date: 30/06/1973
First Owner: Princesse SANGUSKO
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Senape
Options : Power steering, Radio
Information: Exported to Brasil, test car for UTAC,
VIN N° : 116/49.1946
Delivery date: 06/08/1973
First Owner: Mr Jean-Pierre FAUCHON
Colour: Marrone Colorado / Senape
Options : Power steering, Radio
VIN N° : 116/49.1926
Delivery date: 18/06/1973
First Owner: Mr DEZORT
Colour: Celesto Chiaro / Black
Options : Power steering, Radio
Information: Ex: BOUKOKZA
VIN N° : 116/49.1922
Delivery date: 25/05/1973
First Owner: Mr de La ROCHETTE
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Black
Options : Power steering, Radio
Informations: Trade in with Mexico 1971
The cars
INDY = AM 116/49 = 4900 Engine