VIN N° : 112.642
Delivery date: 02/05/1969
First Owner: Mr Louis FONTAINE
Colour: Rosso Rubino / Black
Options :
VIN N° : 112.746
Delivery date: 23/12/1969
First Owner: Mr LEDEUR
Colour: Luci de Mezzanote / Senape
Options : Steering Power / Radio
Information: Trade in with Rolls-Royce Shadow 1968 (no extra cost)
VIN N° : 112.714
Delivery date: 25/09/1969
First Owner: Mr Philippe ALLIAUME
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Marrone
Options :
Information: 1969 Paris Motorshow
VIN N° : 112.640
Delivery date: 28/05/1969
First Owner: Ets RICOU
Colour: Argento / Black
Options : MagnesiumwWheels
Information: Ex Henri LOUVEAU (Order cancelled)
The cars
MEXICO= AM 112 = 4200 Engine
AM 112.1 = 4700 Engine