VIN N° : 115.1092
Delivery date:19/06/1969
First Owner: Mr Jean-Paul BERNARD
Colour: Argento / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with Ferrari 275 GTB + 52500 F
VIN N° :115.1074
Delivery date: 15/07/1969
First Owner: Mr Pierre CORNET-EPINAT
Colour: Blue Medio / Senape
Options :
Information: Marquis de MONTAIGU order cancelled
VIN N° : 115.1066
Delivery date: 16/05/1969
First Owner: Doctor GALLIN
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Blue
Options : 5000 Engine
Information: Trade in with Ferrari Dino New (57000 F), car in the USA
VIN N° : 115.1036
Delivery date:16/03/1969
First Owner: Mr Jacques MARTIN
Colour: Beige Met / Black
Options :
Informations: Demonstration car