VIN N° :115.836
Delivery date: 20/01/1969
First Owner: Doctor LAMY
Colour: Oro Longchamps / Red
Options : Wire wheels,
Information: Trade in with Sebring 1966 (50000 F)
VIN N° :115. 832
Delivery date: 08/01/1969
First Owner: Mr MIchel ROQUES
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Black
Options :
Information: Modification in the 90's by Garage Couvreux (Eclaron 52) into a Spyder
VIN N° :115. 814
Delivery date: 15/01/1969
First Owner: Mr Jean-Pierre HENAUT
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Black
Options : New Front "eyelid" Design
VIN N° :115.784
Delivery date: 15/12/1968
First Owner: Baron EMPAIN
Colour: Blue Medio
Options :
Informations: Car stolen in april 1970