VIN N° : 115.1450
Delivery date: 27/11/1969
First Owner: Mr HENAUT
Colour: Oro Metalizzato / Black
Options : Seat belts, head rests
Information: Trade in with Ghibli 115.814 + 20000 F
VIN N° : 115.1388
Delivery date: 23/10/1969
First Owner: Mr Sture NOTTORP
Colour: Blue Medio / Senape
Options :
Information: Sold in $, exported to Sweden
VIN N° : 115.1370
Delivery date: 23/09/1970
First Owner: Mr Pascal DANEL
Colour: Rosso Rubino / Black
Options :
Information: 1969 Paris Motorshow
VIN N° : 115.1368
Delivery date: 23/09/1969
First Owner: Mr Guy OMASSON
Colour: Oro Metalizzato / Black
Options :
Informations: 1969 Paris Motorshow