VIN N° : ZAM 129.000DA000256
Delivery date: 16/02/1983
First Owner: Mr BRUN
Colour: Argento / Black
Options : 4900 Engine, manual gearbox, Rust treatment
Information: Trade in with Ferrari 512 i New (400000 F) (40000 F added by Thépenier because price of Kyalami was 360000 F)
VIN N° : 129.0294
Delivery date: 22/10/1981
First Owner: Mr David PENNINGTON
Colour: Argento / Black
Options :
Information: Exported to Abu Dhabi
VIN N° : 129.0248
Delivery date: 16/07/1979
First Owner: Sté Marnier Lapostolle
Colour: Luci Di Bosco / Senape
Options :
VIN N° : 129.49.0192
Delivery date: 22/09/1978
First Owner: Mr GAVELLE
Colour: Argento / Fungo
Options : 4900 Engine
Informations: 1978 Paris Motorshow, trade in with Khamsin 120.022 (70000 F)