VIN N° :330/49A.4084
Delivery date:20/06/1983
First Owner: Mr Aonan Z. ABOU-AYYASH
Colour: Dark Aquamarine / Natural
Options :
Information: Exported to Saudi Arabia
VIN N° :330/49A.4066
Delivery date: 21/06/1983
First Owner: Mr Saïd RAHAL
Colour: Dark Aquamarine / Natural
Options :
VIN N° :330/49A.4024
Delivery date: 27/07/1983
First Owner: Mr Ronald BENNETT
Colour: Dark Aquamarine / Natural
Options : Mecaniquer gearbox (+9500 F)
Information: Sold to the Prince Palais HAÏTI
VIN N° :330/49A.3428
Delivery date: 13/01/1983
First Owner: Prince Rafad SAOUD
Colour: Dark Smoky Quartz / Natural
Options :
The cars
QUATTROPORTE III = AM 330/49A = Automatic Gearbox
AM 330/49 = Manual Gearbox