VIN N° :330/49A.3226
Delivery date: 15/10/1982
First Owner:Mr Roger Patrice PELAT
Colour: Dark Golden Beryl /Natural
Options :
Information: Trade in with Daimler 1978 (80000 F)
VIN N° :330/49A.3140
Delivery date: 30/09/1982
First Owner: Mr Giuseppe PIPARO
Colour: Dark Smoky Quartz / Natural
Options :
VIN N° :330/49A.3116
Delivery date: 12/10/1982
First Owner: Prince Anouar ALSHELAN AKABA
Colour: Dark Aquamarine / Natural
Options : Sold with 40 spak plugs and free alarm
Information: Sold In Jordan, ,
VIN N° :330/49A.1614
Delivery date: 18/02/1982
First Owner: Mr Fouad AL GHANEM
Colour: Blue Sera / Natural
Options :
Informations: Sold tax free for export
The cars
QUATTROPORTE III = AM 330/49A = Automatic Gearbox
AM 330/49 = Manual Gearbox