VIN N° : 101.1150
Delivery date: 25/11/1960
First Owner: Mr MARTELL
Colour: Azzuro / Black
Options :
Information: Crash damage to front of car september 1961, return to factory to be repaired.
VIN N° : 101.1246
Delivery date: 16/02/1961
First Owner: Mr John SIMONE
Colour: Red / Cinghiale
Options :
Information: Demonstration car, sold not registred, with paint work to be done to Mr CANTO 25/10/1961
VIN N° : 101.1221
Delivery date: 17/04/1961
First Owner: Mr Fabrice VIRGILI
Colour: Bianco / Blue
Options : Hard Top
Information: Offered for sale by Artcurial in Feb 2015, sold for 834.000 €
VIN N° : 101.1138
Delivery date: 20/11/1960
First Owner: Mr Frédéric SEGOND
Colour: Metallic Grey / Black
Options : 5 speed (+ 200.000 Liras)
Information: Delivered with a 4 speed gearbox, Demonstration car