VIN N° : 101.1604
Delivery date: 08/06/1961
First Owner: Mr MALARD
Colour: Blue
Options :
VIN N° : 101.1604
Delivery date: 08/06/1961
First Owner: Mr MALARD
Colour: Blue Tigullio / White PAC 1544
Options :
VIN N° : 101.1588
Delivery date: 26/05/1961
First Owner: Mr Pieter HELSDINGEN
Colour: White / Black
Options :
Information: Sold for export
VIN N° : 101.1560
Delivery date: 23/05/1961
First Owner: Mr Nino MAURIZI
Colour: Blue Sera / Marrone PAC 1386
Options : Radio
Information: Exported to Italy
VIN N° : 101.1454
Delivery date: 20/04/1961
First Owner: Mr Robert ADDA (Geneva)
Colour: LIght Blue (Azzuro) / Black
Options :
Information: Dispute with swiss Agent Martinelli-Sovinco for the commission