VIN N° : 101.2508
Delivery date: 18/10/1962
First Owner: Mr BARTHOD
Colour: Dark Blue / Red
Options : Injection
Information:Trade in with 101.1072 (42000 F)
VIN N° : 101.2502
Delivery date: 27/01/1963
First Owner: Melle VALETTE
Colour: Black / Green
Options : Self Locking Diff
Information: 1962 Paris Motorshow, car crashed in spain in the late sixties, storage for 40 years.
VIN N° : 101.2452
Delivery date: 18/01/1963
First Owner: Mr Philippe SINNIGER
Colour: Grigio 677 Fiat / Black PAC 1560
Options : Fog lights, injection
Information: Trade in with 101.718 (34000 F)
VIN N° : 101.2384
Delivery date: 26/07/1962
First Owner: Mr Victor SAGLIA
Colour: Rosso Chiaro / Black
Options : Injection
Information: Trade in with 101.266 (33000F), lawsuit due to broken engine 101.266 (03/62)