VIN N° : 112.1.970
Delivery date: 22/12/1972
First Owner: Bernard LAPEYRE
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Black
Options : Power steering, Radio
Information: Order Blue Medio / White not avalaible.Trade in with Rolls Royce 1965 (80000 F) + 35000 F.
VIN N° : 112.1.218
Delivery date: 28/11/1967
First Owner: Paul HALLEY
Colour: Grigio Fiat / Natural
Options : Seat belts, Mistral ashtray,
VIN N° : 112.1.182
Delivery date: 08/11/1967
First Owner: Mr DOMEC
Colour: Blue sera / Senape
Options :
The cars
MEXICO= AM 112 = 4200 Engine
AM 112.1 = 4700 Engine