VIN N° : 107.092
Delivery date: 10/10/1964
First Owner: Mr Paul PETRIDES
Colour: Grigio Flemington / Black
Options : Air conditioning
Information: 1964 Mortorshow with Mistral 109.148
VIN N° : 107.060
Delivery date: 13/10/1964
First Owner: Mr DE LASTOURS
Colour: Blue Celesto / Natural
Options :
Information: Demontration Car / 1964 Motorshow car, trade in with 101.2602 (35000 F)
VIN N° : 107.040
Delivery date: 30/08/1964
First Owner: Mr Georges LAFARGE
Colour: Grigio Florida / Black
Options :
Information: Mechanical and technical problems after 6000 KM, Trade in with Jaguar E Type 1964 (30000 F).
VIN N° : 107.024
Delivery date: 16/09/1964
First Owner: Mr BORELLI
Colour: Amaranto Roma / Grey PAC 1083
Options :
Information: Trade in with 3500 GT 101.1816 (35000 F), probably the Autojournal test car
The cars