VIN N° : 109.SA1.667
Delivery date: 07/12/1966
First Owner: Mr Pierre LEVY
Colour: Blue Sera / Natural
Options : Fog lights, hardtop, self locking diff
VIN N° : 109.SA1.715
Delivery date: 20/05/1968
First Owner:Mr François FERAUD
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with 109.S.011 and 107.134 + 32000 F
VIN N° : 109.SA1.689
Delivery date: 24/10/1967
First Owner: Mrs Nicole ROBBE-JEDEAU
Colour: Azzuro / Black
Options :
Information: 1967 Paris Motorshow, trade in with Ferrari 275 GTS (cf AM 112.166)
Car is in restoration in Germany by Linnartz&Peschl
The cars
MISTRAL = AM 109.S. = 3500 Engine
AM 109.S1 = 3700 Engine
AM 109 SA1. = 4000 Engine