VIN N° : 109.630
Delivery date: 29/12/1965
First Owner: Mr Jean MILLARDET
Colour: Azzuro Vincennes / Blue
Options : Wire wheels
Information: Trade in with Sebring 1963 101.01.675 (40000 F)
VIN N° : 109.864
Delivery date: 27/04/1966
First Owner: Mr Sacha HORNSTEIN
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Black
Options : Air conditioning, radio
VIN N° : 109.688
Delivery date: 24/02/1966
First Owner: Mr ARNOUX
Colour: Bianco Polo Park / Black
Options :
Information: Factory demonstration car, registred as a used car
VIN N° : 109.636
Delivery date: 17/01/1966
First Owner: Mr François SEZIONALE
Colour: Celesta Ardenza / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with 3500 GT Touring 1963 (35000 F)
The cars
MISTRAL = AM 109 = 3700 Engine
AM 109 A1 = 4000 Engine