VIN N° : 112.458
Delivery date: 25/10/1968
First Owner: Mr Jules LEJEUNE
Colour: Oro Longchamps / Senape
Options :
Information: Trade in with Jaguar 420 G 1968 (24000 F)
VIN N° : 112.442
Delivery date: 25/09/1968
First Owner: Mr Louis DE PRETTO
Colour: Azzuro / Black
Options : Wire wheels,
Information: 1968 Paris Motorshow
VIN N° : 112.314
Delivery date: 09/05/1968
First Owner: Mr André VILASECA
Colour: Rosso Rubino Chiaro / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with Mercedes 600 1966 (50000 F)
VIN N° : 112.290
Delivery date: 10/04/1968
First Owner: Mr FONTAINE
Colour: Rosso Rubino Chiaro / Black
Options :
The cars
MEXICO= AM 112 = 4200 Engine
AM 112.1 = 4700 Engine