VIN N° : EB106.784
Delivery date: 26/04/1984
First Owner: Mr Gérard CHAUVALLON
Colour: Grigio Azzuro Met
Options :
Information: Trade in with Porsche 924 1981 (66000 F)
VIN N° : EB106.721
Delivery date: 13/07/1984
First Owner: Mr CAMILLI
Colour: Dark Aquamarine
Options :
VIN N° : EB.106.718
Delivery date: 05/07/1984
First Owner: Mr Charles PIPEREL
Colour: Dark Golden Beryl
Options :
VIN N° : EB.106.717
Delivery date: 07/05/1984
First Owner: Mr Patrick AVIGDOR
Colour: Dark Aquamarine
Options :
Informations: Trade in with Lancia Gamma 1979 (25000 F)