VIN N° : 101/01.581
Delivery date: 25/01/1963
First Owner: Mr Eric MEYER
Colour: Beige / Black
Options : Radio Blaupunkt
Information: Trade in with BMW 508 1958 (18000 F)
VIN N° : 101/01.575
Delivery date: 18/03/1963
First Owner: Mr DE PRETTO
Colour: Blue Chiaro / Natural
Options : Self locking diff
Information: Trade in with 101.1824 + 24300 F
VIN N° : 101/01.573
Delivery date: 25/01/1963
First Owner: Mr Alex GACON
Colour: Grigio Inglewood / Cinghiale
Options : Self locking diff
Information: Ex DUPUIS special price : 57800 F
VIN N° : 101/01.509
Delivery date: 14/12/1962
First Owner: Mr LAUNAY
Colour: White / Brown
Options : Self locking diff
Information: Trade in with 101.1840 (47000 F)
The cars
3500 GT SEBRING SERIE 1 = AM 101.01