VIN N° : 109.A1.1634
Delivery date: 23/04/1968
First Owner: Maitre Bernard DUPRE
Colour: Argento / Black
Options :
Information: Demonstration Car
VIN N° : 109.A1.1586
Delivery date: 08/04/1968
First Owner: Mr Roger VERGER
Colour: Blue Tigullio / Cinghiale
Options :
Information: Trade in with Mistral 109.A1.1214 (60000 F)
VIN N° : 109.A1.1646
Delivery date: 08/06/1968
First Owner: Mr Mario IERA
Options :
Information: Import from Italy in June 1983
VIN N° : 109.A1.1584
Delivery date: 26/04/1968
First Owner: Mr Georges FOLLIET
Colour: Celesto Chiaro / Blue
Information: Car ordered directly from the factory, 658.000 Lires commission paid to Thépenier, Auction in February 2012 by Artcurial 50000 € + premium
VIN N° : 109.A1.1558
Delivery date: 10/01/1968
First Owner: Mr LAMBERT
Colour: Blue / brown
Options :
The cars
MISTRAL = AM 109 = 3700 Engine
AM 109 A1 = 4000 Engine