VIN N° : 112.1.136
Delivery date: 09/10/1967
First Owner: Mr Henri LANSBERG
Colour: Green Met / Dark Green
Options :
VIN N° : 112.1.028
Delivery date: 04/04/1967
First Owner: Mr Jean CACHANEL (real name Jean Bousquet)
Colour: Blue Sera / Senape
Options :
Information: Paris Motorshow 66, Demonstration car
VIN N° : 112.888
Delivery date: 15/10/1970
First Owner: Mr DELAMARCHE
Colour: Grigio newmarket / black
Options : Ordered By Mme Marlène BOUKOBZA, but cancelled due to financial problems
VIN N° : 112.884
Delivery date: 02/04/1971
First Owner: Mr THIERRY
Colour: Marrone Colorado / Senape
Options : Seat belts / radio
The cars
MEXICO= AM 112 = 4200 Engine
AM 112.1 = 4700 Engine