VIN N° :115.782
Delivery date: 20/12/1968
First Owner: Mr ZITA
Colour: Rosso Rubino / Black
Options : New brakes
Information: Demonstration car
VIN N° :115.646
Delivery date:26/09/1968
First Owner: Mr DUPIN
Colour: Green Metal / Red
Options : New Brakes
Information: 1968 Paris Motorshow
VIN N° : 115.554
Delivery date:16/08/1968
First Owner: Mr Guy REAL DEL SARTE
Colour: Rosso Rubino / Black
Options :
Information: Film "The Swimming Pool" car with Alain Delon and Romy Schneider, The car is under complete restoration in France, fitted with engine 115.644
VIN N° :115.442
Delivery date: 17/06/1968
First Owner: Mr Alain Louis DREYFUS
Colour: Oro Longchamps / Verde
Options :
Informations: Sold in $ for export