VIN N° :115.216
Delivery date:15/05/1968
First Owner: Mr BESSIN
Colour: Blue Notte / Molitan RS 04 (Bordeaux)
Options :
Information: Sold in October 2013 in Paris by ARTCURIAL 86639 € inc Premium
VIN N° :115.214
Delivery date: 09.01.1968
First Owner: Mr Henry BISUTTI
Colour: Oro Lonchamps / Red
Options :
Information: Trade in with Mercedes 300 SE + 60000 F
VIN N° :115. 172
Delivery date: 20/12/1967
First Owner: Mr Joseph CALZA
Colour: Oro Andalucia / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with Mistral 3700 (55000 F)
VIN N° :115.150
Delivery date:26/10/1967
First Owner: Mr Claude FRANCOIS
Colour: Amaranto Roma / Black
Options : Automatic Transmission,