VIN N° :115.250
Delivery date: 15/03/1968
First Owner: Mr COULLANGE
Colour: Rosso Cordoba / Senape
Informations: Car bought directly by Customer with Mr ORSI at the Turino Motorshow, 7% commission for Thépenier
VIN N° :115.300
Delivery date: 08/04/1968
First Owner: Mr VAN DEN BOSCH
Colour: Oro Longchamps / Black
Information: Sold in $, exported to Iran. (Ex Serge Pozzoli)
VIN N° :115.282
Delivery date:11/03/1968
First Owner: Mr Edouard de CAZALET
Colour: Black / Cinghiale
Options : 5000 engine, seat belts
VIN N° :115.238
Delivery date: 05/02/1968
First Owner: Mr Jean-Claude FELIX
Colour: Bleu Antilles / Natural
VIN N° :115.222
Delivery date: 05/02/1968
First Owner: Mr Victor SAGLIA
Colour: Oro Longchamps / Black
Options : Suppression of the 2 rear seats
Informations: Trade in with Mistral 3700 (45000 F)