VIN N° :115.410
Delivery date: 03/05/1968
First Owner: Prince Karim AGA KHAN
Colour: Blue / White
Options : Chromed Trident, Magnesium wheels, no Maserati badge on bonnet.
Information: Offered for auction By OSENAT in Nov 18 : 180 K€
VIN N° :115.388
Delivery date: 09/05/1968
First Owner: Mr MISCHKING
Colour: Blue sera / Natural
Options :
Information: Trade in with Buick Riviera (20000 F), offered for sale At Retromobile Feb 2016 in grey, since repainted in original colour
VIN N° :115. 340
Delivery date: 08/04/1968
First Owner: Mr Jean BERGIA
Colour: Green / Black
Options :
Information: Demonstration car, Test car for the French magazine MOTEUR N° 75 October 69
VIN N° : 115.312
Delivery date: 26/03/1968
First Owner: Mr Alain BARRIERE
Colour: Celeste / White
Options : Wire wheels