VIN N° : 129.0188
Delivery date: 22/09/1979
First Owner: Mr HUBLOT
Colour: Argento / Black
Options : 1978 Paris Motorshow, sold 09/12/1980 to Mr HUBLOT
Offered for Auction by Aguttes Nov 23 est 50-70 K€
VIN N° : 129.0166
Delivery date: 08/02/1979
First Owner: Professeur GAUTHERET
Colour: Luci di Bosco / Fungo
Options :
Information: Car is today in Holland
VIN N° : 129.0158
Delivery date: 06/07/1978
First Owner: Mr POUILLOT
Colour: Luci di Bosco / Fungo
Options :
Information: Not registred after 6 months
VIN N° : 129.0114
Delivery date: 06/05/1978
First Owner : Mr CACHARD
Colour: Marrone Colorado / Senape
Options : Radio
Informations: Exported to Saudi Arabia, Prince Faha Ben Abdel Aziz. The car is today in NL