The cars
QUATTROPORTE III = AM 330/49A = Automatic Gearbox
AM 330/49 = Manual Gearbox
VIN N° :330/49A.1264
Delivery date: 03/12/1980
First Owner: Mr GARDINIER
Colour: Marrone / Natural
Options : Electric Right side mirror
Information: Sold by Charles POZZI S.A
VIN N° :330/49A.330/49A.1472
Delivery date :04/03/1981
First Owner: Mr Mishari Khaled ACZAID ALKHLED
Colour: Celeste Chiaro / Natural
Options :
Information: Tax free, exported to Kuwait
VIN N° : 330/49A.1470
Delivery date: 02/10/1981
First Owner: Sté SOFRAPAC
Colour: Blue Sera /Natural
Options :
VIN N° :330/49A.1356
Delivery date: 25/10/1982
First Owner: Mr Francisco GALVEZ LOPEZ
Colour: Argento / Natural
Options :
VIN N° :330/49A.1340
Delivery date: 15/09/1981
First Owner: Mr Youssef Sleiman MOUBARAK
Colour: Marrone / Natural
Options :
Informations: Trade in with BMW 735 i 1981 (95000 F)