VIN N° : 101.1343
Delivery date: 03/11/1961
First Owner: Mr DUPRE
Colour: Argento Luna / Noir Gti
Options : Hardtop, Injection
Information: Trade in with 101.600 (37000F), 1961 Paris motoshow car
Car today in Germany
VIN N° : 101.1335
Delivery date: 24/04/1962
First Owner: Mr POLLET
Colour: White / Almond Green
Options : Wire wheels
Information: 5000 GT instrumentation / Sebring Prototype / Geneva Motorshow
VIN N° : 101.1330
Delivery date: 18/03/1961
First Owner: Mr FAVIER
Colour: Azzuro / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with Buick 1957 + 50000F
VIN N° : 101.1326
Delivery date: 16/02/1961
First Owner: Mr CROVETTO
Colour: Grigio Fiat / Black
Options :
Information: First order Black/Black colour cancelled