VIN N° : 101.1448
Delivery date: 18/04/1961
First Owner: Mr RUBIANI
Colour: Argento Auteuil / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with T-Bird 22000 F, Engine is fitted in VIN 101.1354
VIN N° : 101.1418
Delivery date: 30/03/1961
First Owner: Robert FOISSAC
Colour: White / Blue
Options :
Information: Trade in with Buick Roadmaster 56 + 50000F
VIN N° : 101.1394
Delivery date: 22/03/1961
First Owner: Mr SEGARD
Colour: Metallic Grey / Black
Options :
Information: Trade in with Mercedes 190 SL+ 20000 F
VIN N° : 101.1370
Delivery date: 16/03/1961
First Owner: Mr COMAR
Colour: Bianco Andalusia / Black
Options : Chromed Wheels, self locking differential
Information: Trade in with Mercedes 220 SE + 36000F